
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Forrest David

This weekend, Damon and I *finally* had a chance to meet our nephew, Forrest. Neither of us have spent much time around babies, so I'm pretty sure we were both freaked out a little a lot. He is 5 weeks old, and honestly the cutest thing ever. I'm already missing the way he snuggled his little head into me to get comfortable.

baby fingers :)

Can't wait until the next time we get to see him.

Love you Forrest!
-Aunt Laura & Uncle Damon

Sunday, September 16, 2012

DIY Restoration Hardware-Inspired Shelving

Site should automatically redirect - if not, please go here for the DIY Restoration Hardware Inspired Shelves!


What else do you on a rainy Sunday afternoon but make pumpkin donuts? I followed this recipe that I found on Pinterest (where else?)

I only put the sugar on the top of the donuts, but they were so good! I highly recommend you try making them RIGHT NOW!

Happy Fall!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lens Love - Part II

Headed outside this afternoon to test out my new lens some more...

Damon wanted to test it out too!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lens Love

I'm pretty sure my family is sick of me taking pictures of them, but what's a girl to do when her new lens comes in the mail? This week I ordered a 35mm f/1.8G lens from Nikon... and it arrived today :) So of course I forced my unwilling subjects outside.

I only got a few shots in, but I think I'm going to really like this lens. Only time will tell...

"are we done yet?"

trying to catch his breath, it was 99 degrees out after all!